North River Shores Tennis Ladies "Covid". League

NRSTC Ladies In house COVID League 2.5 to 4.5

Start date : Tuesday August 25th for approx 8 weeks. 

Matches will be at 8am or 10:30am depending on your teams match schedule.

Sign up deadline: Aug 15

Cost: $20pp for champ prizes & balls which can be paid on line via the new system.

A team draft will take place via ZOOM with captains on Monday August 17.

Teams will consist of 4 or 5 lines of play depending on signups. 

Sign up on site, Teams and Schedules will be finalized by Aug 17. Extra players and subs will be made available for teams so no worries if you cant make every week. 

I have five volunteer captains already in place:  Rene Palmer, Jamie Rotenizer, Sharon DeGaetano, Reyna Albrecht and Marilyn Romano!

For now …get signed up! 

Sign up only
sign up only

Event Dates